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Welcome to ICEEM13 – Empower Sustainability!

The International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management (ICEEM) will hold its thirteenth edition in 2025 in Iasi, Romania. As the whole world experiences dramatic changes and challenges related to lifestyles, security, resilience, we need to make all efforts to empower sustainability. We are welcoming scientists and researchers to share their knowledge, innovation and experiences towards understanding the effects of these global changes on the environment, ecosystems, and how we can ensure a more sustainable future.

ICEEM13 will continue to serve as a multi- and transdisciplinary forum for high-level scientific dissemination, aimed at fostering internationalization, multidisciplinarity, and collaboration. Beside its traditional topics on Environmental Engineering and Management, ICEEM13 includes topics in chemical engineering for sustainability.

ICEEM13 invites academia, the research community, industry, and societal representatives to contribute to the proposed themes and topics. Submissions are encouraged to showcase innovative, multidisciplinary, and cross-sectoral approaches to address environmental and sustainability challenges. The conference will feature onsite key-note plenary sessions, oral and poster presentations, and workshops. As always, the social events of ICEEM13 will provide opportunities for discussions, cooperation, and networking.

Join us at ICEEM13 and be part of the movement to empower sustainability!

ICEEM 13 PresidentICEEM 13 Honorary President
Prof.dr. Carmen TeodosiuProf.dr. Dan Cascaval
Rector of the “Gheorghe Asachi”
Technical University of Iasi
ICEEM13 Co-presidentICEEM13 Co-president
Prof.dr. Francesco Brindusa Sluser

Please download the Call for abstracts here

Themes and Topics


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